i was the night by Jonathan Hine

i was in the night
in the calm of
vaporous street lights
gliding down the whorl of febonacci petals
i wandered then, my eyes to
the tired old streets joined with the neon
in her hair in the alley into the night, laughing
she was before me
and i seemed to see the fairly radiant
outline who once across my
distant dreams of childhood passed letting
her unclasped hands
open torrents of falling stars
rain down in a
sea of gentle fire
Jonathan Hine has been sporadically published in the underground lit. scene over the years. His work has recently appeared in Dissident Voice, Academy of the Heart and Mind, Under the Bleachers, Duane’s PoeTree and Horror Sleaze Trash. He has forthcoming poetry in Cajun Mutt Press.

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